How To Raise An American Patriot

How To Raise An American Patriot

Parents are the number one people to teach this to their kids. This historic
book will give parents the talking points they need to teach their kids why
it’s good to love our country and understand why it’s so important to fight for our freedom and their rights. We will lay the foundation for our next “greatest” generation. The book’s website is
I interviewed 13 American patriots, all with different backgrounds and upbringings – several you have heard of and several you haven’t heard of but you should.
Ed Meese, former Attorney General and staff member under President Reagan, retired colonel and current chairman of public policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Jackie Gingrich Cushman, syndicated columnist, daughter of Newt Gingrich, and author of “The Essential American.
Erick Erickson, former managing editor of, radio host, CNN contributor and author of the best-seller “Red State Uprising.
Rachel Campos-Duffy, fill-in conservative voice on The View, author, wife of Congressman Sean Duffy from Wisconsin and mother of 8.
Kevin Jackson, “The Black Sphere,” radio host, political pundit, blogger, author, a regular FOX News Contributor.
Debbie Lee, Gold Star mom and founder of America’s Mighty Warriors, a troop-support organization.
Reverend Steven Craft, pastor, author, former prison chaplain and national speaker for the John Birch Society.
Charlie Rhoads, former military officer, CEO of Joe Foss Institute teaching patriotism and providing scholarships, and board member of America’s Mighty Warriors.
Rick Green, former Texas legislator, author and national speaker for Wallbuilders, an organization dedicated to educating America about its founding.
Cathy Gillespie, political and philanthropic activist, co-founder of Constituting America, wife of former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie.
Janine Turner, actress, author, speaker, founder of Constituting America, activist and radio talk show host.
Dr. Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, the premier educational institute for constitutional principles which publishes Imprimis, the monthly newsletter with 1.8 million in circulation.
Seth Swirsky, award-winning songwriter, singer, artist, film maker and musician living in the heart of Beverly Hills and raising proud conservative children despite that.